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E Love Series Box Set
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About The Books In This Set
E Love Series
Romances from the Heart of Louisiana
Book 1
Enduring Love
Book 2
Enchanting Love
Book 3
Everlasting Love
Book 4
Extraordinary Love
Book 5
Extravagant Love
Although each of these stories are a complete romance, it is best that you read them in chronological sequence.
E Love Series Book One
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used facetiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. If you would like to use material from this book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.
"Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation
Used by permission." (www.Lockman.org)
Published by: Divinely Sown Publishing
E Love Series Book One
Copyright © 2018 by Danyelle Scroggins
First Edition paperback
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
Book Cover Design by Danyelle Scroggins
Cover Model: Dobrielle Gatlin
Exclusive discounts are available for quantity purchases. For details, contact the publisher at the address above.
Printed in the United States of America
Dedicated to
To Dobrielle Gatlin….
You will never plan anything God does not have permission to change. Enjoy when He changes your course, but know, all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Your momma will forever be standing right behind you pushing, thumping, kicking, and if I have to, dragging you into your destiny and purpose.
I would like to personally thank my support team for all that you do. This journey is so worth it when you say you have been touched by the story.
To all of my right-hand girls, you rock & All my beta readers. You keep me with ears at my disposal and this matters so much in the life of a writer.
Special love goes out to Ms. Paulette Nunlee, who encouraged me to go above and beyond with each step, and is hands down in my book, the best editor around. To my online sisters Ann Marie Bryan, Marsha Malcolm (my spice connection), LaShaunda Hoffman, and last but never least, Pastor P. (Paulette Harper) thanks for being who you are.
May the Lord keep each and every one of you and establish you according to His word. Be Blessed!
“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil.”
Psalm 85:10
Chapter One
Priscilla reasoned why God would choose her to be the carrier of life. Married for almost fifteen years, sexual pleasures only happened on special occasions. Often without romance, and starting with a touch here, feel there, and a real quick release on his part. The thought of making a baby vanished long ago.
In reality, indecisiveness plagued her like a severe toothache regarding being a wife or instead, being his wife. Her mind and ambitions settled on being the audacious executive she fancied herself. Relinquishing all thoughts of motherhood, that were now nowhere in the plan.
Many are the plans of man…but it is the Lord’s plans that prevail.
Dr. Thorpe’s private practice became her haven, the place where swift answers and solutions to her most pressing issues materialized. Today, he acted as the grim reaper delivering death-blows instead of solutions. Death to her plans, dreams, and her one hundred and thirty-five-pound figure. She worked hard for her body, and to destroy it for a child neither of them wanted put her in a complete stupor.
As she sat in a makeshift gown barely covering her breasts, Priscilla sighed. Moving to get more comfortable on the green leather table-bed covered with a sheet of wrinkled white paper, she felt hopeless. Priscilla swung her legs as though they could propel her into another space in time. She took a deep breath. Lumps in her throat seemed to suffocate her and caused her to give in to the explosive stream of tears cascading down her face.
How am I going to care for a child in the midst of running a company? Marshall’s Mortgage a premier mortgage company and her baby, her purpose that bequeathed her employees who became family. A creative concept and idea birthed right after leaving college with a degree in accounting and nourished with intensity and integrity. The thought of leaving it with anyone for more than a day or two frightened her. Because of this baby, she would have no choice.
“Priscilla? Are you alright?” Dr. Thorpe inquired.
Startled by his voice and still confused, she hadn’t noticed his return. “Dr. Thorpe, I’m not alright. This pregnancy is so unexpected. I thought maybe the flu or a virus. But this? I took a darn pill every day since Steven and I married. They’re supposed to prevent this. I don’t understand how it could happen,” she responded with a pant and sniffle between words.
“I’ve been an OB doctor for well over twenty years, and I promise I see women who swear they took their birth-control pill on time and still got pregnant. I know you are quite familiar with God and His work. And, I consider us close friends so I can say this.”
Priscilla nodded.
“No matter what and how we try, we can never abort the plans of God. He knows this child is going to gain a complete knowledge of Him. The Father chose you and Steven to protect, nurture, and train him or her in the way they should go. Priscilla instead of the questions why and how be excited, and grateful God chose you.”
“I don’t feel like this is something I want to do. I don’t even know if I can do it.”
“Talk to Steven about this before you make any rash decisions. If you want my opinion, I believe you can do all things through Christ. Priscilla, He will strengthen you. Could this baby be the next president or a future author? Who knows? But one thing is for sure, you will never know if you don’t allow this child the opportunity to be presented to the world.” As Dr. Thorpe patted Priscilla on the shoulder he continued, “Now, you can get dressed. Here’s a little baggy with goodies in it like prenatal vitamins, iron pills, and a couple of packages of ointment for your skin to prevent stretch marks.”
“I guess. I sure would prefer some more birth control and condoms, but since it is what it is, my choice doesn’t matter. Gotta find a way to accept what God allowed. Thank you for my goodies.” She smirked, acknowledging the brown paper bag in her hand.
“Exactly. Now get dressed. I’ll be back in a moment.”
Priscilla slid off the table, pulled the paper gown off, and glanced at herself in the mirror over the sink. She retrieved her panties, skirt, shirt, scarf, and blazer from behind the dressing area and in slow motion began to dress. Fully clothed, she threw the paper gown in the trash and peered at herself once again.
Noticing the trail of tear stains on her cheeks, she snatched a coupl
e of the brown napkins from the dispenser. Priscilla turned on the faucet, wet the napkins, and wrung out the excess water before washing her face. She reapplied her makeup to restore the picture of perfection before she’d received the shock of her life. Priscilla’s mind drifted to the man who refused to pull out in time.
Steven warned her on rare occasions during sex God would not punish him for spilling his goods on the ground. He did what she cautioned him not to do. And now this. She felt upset, and by her book, had every right to be. Although being upset would not solve anything, at least having somewhere to direct her anger could bring relief. The more she thought of Steven, the angrier she got. So much she answered, “What?”, when Dr. Thorpe knocked on the door.
“Here’s the reminder of your next appointment date.” Even though she didn’t respond, he continued. “On your next visit, you’ll have an ultrasound to determine the around about day of conception. We would like to get as close as possible to the date of conception so the little person won’t have to be in his or her mother’s womb a day or hour longer than needed”.
At least he’s not like other doctors acting as if they could specify the date of conception to the tee. Heck, I know precisely when Steven bombarded his way into my private space.
After hugging Dr. Thorpe without saying one word, she gathered her stuff, walked out the room into the waiting area, and nodded goodbye to nurse Carol. Retrieving her keys from the bottom of her champagne colored Steve Madden bag, she sighed. Put your big girl panties on Priscilla.
Her navy wool blazer did little to protect her body from the sharp piercing Louisiana wind. Instinctively, she draped her beautiful pink multicolored scarf around her neck and used the excess fabric to cover her head. Moving in swift strides, with hopes of keeping as warm as possible, Priscilla pushed the button on her keychain to her convertible BMW 435i.
She opened the door, placed the brown bag of goodies in the backseat, then climbed into her car. After securing the locks and her seatbelt, Priscilla searched through her car’s artist collection for some music to minister to her broken spirit. She selected Marvin Sapp’s “Here I Am.” “Come on, Pastor Marvin, convince me please God has His hands on and around me,” she mumbled as the song began to play. “God, I know You will provide for me. This is Your will.”
Invasive tears cascaded down her face ruining her makeup again. This time she decided not to repair, because instead of going back to her office, Priscilla drove towards home. With a quick push of the phone button on the radio console, she instructed the voice-activated operator to dial her office. After the third ring, a female voice answered.
“Good afternoon, Marshall’s Mortgage. How may we be of service to you?”
Regina answered with professional charm because Priscilla would have it no other way. Greetings were Priscilla’s pet peeves. She desired warm and friendly interactions with her staff and demanded the same for the clients at Marshall’s Mortgage.
“How are you?” Priscilla asked Regina Jones, the best assistant and secretary ever. She valued her because she only instructed her once for anything and it happened.
“I’m fine, Mrs. Marshall. How did your appointment go? You sound a little different.”
“We will talk about it later, Regina. Right now I’m too weak even to hear myself explain it. Nothing too serious, so don’t get all worried. But it’s enough to alter my emotions.”
“Okay, I understand. But it won’t stop me from praying for you.”
“Thank you. While you are at it, ask God if He’s sure He picked the right person?”
“You know they say ‘nothing just happens,' so if God allowed, He will provide with all the provisions you’ll need. Are you coming back to the office today?”
“That’s why I called. I think I better go home and lie down. The doctor’s appointment drained me, and if I do not get some rest, I might hurt someone. Would you please phone all of my afternoon clients, apologize for me canceling, and reschedule them for Monday?”
“Yes, ma’am. I pray you feel better. I will only call you if anything comes up I cannot handle and I’ll tell all of your originators what’s going on.”
“Thank you. I appreciate you. And Regina, please don’t disclose or share concerning my doctor’s appointment. I’m not asking you to lie, but find a unique way to explain the cancellations to my clients and the staff.”
“Sure and you’re welcome.” Priscilla motioned to move the phone from her ear when she heard, “Mrs. Marshall!”
“Yes, Regina?”
“Get some rest, please!”
“I will.” Priscilla smiled at the demand.
“See you soon, Mrs. Marshall.”
“Let all your things be done with charity.”
1 Corinthians 16:14
Chapter 2
Steven Marshall, praying for an end to his exhausting day turned off his computer and picked up his keys to go home to peace and quiet. His job remained stressful enough, but when his boss decided to bring his two and four-year-olds to work, it made a stressful day downright awful. After a few hours with Cody and Claire, he grew more confident he and Priscilla made the right decision concerning being parents.
He left graduate school hoping they would get married, find good jobs, and then start a family. After Priscilla began Marshall’s Mortgage and one of the best engineering firms in Shreveport hired him, they both seemed to have agreed their lives were too busy for children.
Sometimes, he regretted their unspoken decision, especially when his mother questioned him about grandchildren. Days like today shifted his mind back in gear, and he wanted nothing more than the life they had.
Steven made a quick decision to escape the circus by going home for lunch instead of eating at his desk as usual. He locked his office, and waved goodbye to the children. His secretary Sally understood why he wanted out and though she snickered, she promised to have all his calls noted and on his desk when he returned.
He pulled up to their home and the meticulous landscape pleased him. Steven wished their lives mirrored the precision of their yard and shook his head in disgust as he put his key in the front door. After waving at his neighbors Bradley and Jacqueline who appeared to have just arrived home, he pushed open his door and went inside.
Steven sat at the kitchen table with his chicken salad sandwich and a large bag of barbecue potato chips, almost forgetting he needed a drink. His sandwich called his name causing him to take a huge bite. Placing it back on top of the bag made into a makeshift plate, he walked over to the cabinet to retrieve his favorite LSU cup. Steven set the cup in the cubby and pushed the crushed ice button on the stainless steel refrigerator that had cost them a small fortune. What am I going to drink?
When his mind settled on tea, he opened the fridge, grabbed the pitcher of tea from the top shelf, and filled his glass. Priscilla could make the best sweet tea he ever tasted, and others thought so too. Every friend and family member would make a direct line to the kitchen for her sweet tea.
The family recipe she’d learned from her great-grandmother as a little girl, she preserved and perfected it through the years. One thing for sure, the best tea in town came from his wife, and he’d tell the world if he needed to.
Steven enjoyed his lunch so much he barely heard the alarm chime. He, on instinct, turned and saw the love of his life. Placing his glass on the table, he scooted his chair back, stood and walked over to hug her.
Something in him needed to feel the warmth of her hug right then and right there. Sensing her hesitation, he held on until she put her arms around his waist and squeezed him back.
“Steven, what are you doing home? It surprised me to see your car in the driveway,” she said, loosening herself from his hold and taking a step back to survey his expression.
“Baby, I escaped. Doug brought Cody and Claire to the office, and those little ones were about to drive me nuts.”
“Oh really?”
“You know Claire is at the age where she asks f
ifty questions and Cody messes with any and everything his eyes behold. I almost pulled my hair out of my head and the first thing I did when I got home was thanked the Lord we didn’t have children.”
“Hum,” about all she managed to say.
“I can’t imagine having to bring my child to the office, and everyone in the room dreads seeing us coming. I wonder if he ever spanked Cody because the boy needs a good one-two across his backside.”
As if she hadn’t already cried enough, Priscilla wanted to cry now. Listening to him pour his heart out about those children solidified her choice of not telling Steven about the pregnancy. Then again, she should have burst his bubble at the moment. Why should I carry this burden alone? The way I feel right now about him and his shenanigans, our child, should drive him nuts like Cody and Claire.
Priscilla shrugged, bringing her attention back to their conversation.
“Well, Steven, at least you could come home to a quiet home and enjoy your lunch.”
“Yes, I understand how blessed I am.”
The good thing is I’m going to allow you to think I’m a fool about our matter. Lord, I can’t wait to get to my girl in Texas. Serafine, her college roommate, counseled at a retreat. She needed some time to sort this thing out by herself.
Along with the fact she considered having an abortion driving her crazy. She always talked about other women having abortions and how un-Christian like they were. Now she considered the very act she detested.
Priscilla knew what her grandmother meant by “If you judge your brethren, you’ll one day face the same test.” Priscilla, now challenged with the very test some of them in her mind flunked, took the opportunity to repent. “Lord forgive me,” she mumbled under her breath.
“What did you say?”
“Nothing. Talking to myself.”